>> 中文版
Sheng Yu Ph.D
School Of Information Science&Engineering
Central South University

Address: Comuputer Building , Central South Universty, Changsha 410083, P.R.China
E_mail:sheng at mail.csu.edu.cn
Research Interest
Virtual Laboratory, Soft Engineering
1. Design and implementation of assembly language learning system based on CPU simulator.Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology).2010,41(6).2224-2230
2. Design and Implementation of Collaboration Support in Virtual Experiment Environment.ICWL2010.LNCS6483.399-403,2010
4. Design and Implementation of model computer virtual lab. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology).2009.40(06).1609-1615
5. Design and Implementation of Compression Algorithm Comparator for Digital Image Processing Based on Component.ICYCS2008.1337-1341
6. A Virtual Laboratory Platform Based on Integration of Java and Matlab.ICWL 2008..LNCS5145.285-95